Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Consider a Greatelectric treadmill Comparison

Late Lunch 11.14 by juliatenney

While it does not have a heart monitor on it, it has all the bells and whistles that make this treadmill a must-have for any enthusiast. When you buy this treadmill, you know you are getting something that will work for life.When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.motorized treadmillIt also has the wireless heart rate control, 3 color LCD display, arm rest and incline controls to assist you during training.Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. They are quite cheap! You can pick up a new one for under 0 easily. walking treadmillFortunately, all that has changed. If you've been running for a while you already know that outdoor running is not always possible due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances, that's when your treadmill becomes your best friend. Any of the above mentioned treadmills can make a great choice if you are serious about either walking or running your way to fitness. However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. Treadmills, like all other at home fitness machines, have come a long way. There are many factors to consider - performance, durability, motor size, and all of those features that are now being offered.

WebWorkerDaily readers are a diverse bunch. Every week, I profile a different reader and ask them to share what they do, how they do it, and some of their favorite hints and tips.

Who are you and what do you do?

My name’s Lisa Solomon and I wear three hats in the legal industry. Through my law practice, Lisa Solomon, Esq. Legal Research & Writing, I assist attorneys with all their legal research and writing needs, including preparing and arguing appeals and drafting substantive motions and trial memoranda. Through my coaching and consulting practice, Legal Research & Writing Pro, I show other lawyers how to start and run successful practices as contract (freelance) attorneys and teach lawyers in all practice areas how to write more persuasive briefs. I also blog about contract lawyering and legal writing. Finally (along with my partner and husband, Mark), I operate The Billable Hour Company, which sells humorous gifts and greeting cards for lawyers and legal professionals.

What’s a typical day like for you?

After dropping my son off at school, I return home and get on the treadmill desk in my downstairs office. I check my email, catch up on Twitter, and dive into work, all while walking at 2.2 mph. I try to get a couple of miles in before breakfast, which I eat at my desk in my main office upstairs (perhaps while treating myself to some Facebook Scrabble). Then it’s back to my treadmill desk, where I may be doing legal research, drafting a brief or talking to a client on the phone (a headset comes in handy for longer calls). I might address administrative issues related to my practice or occasional inquiries from Billable Hour Company customers. Once I’ve finished my miles for the day, I continue working in my main office. When my two kids get home from school, I take a quick break to say hi before the sitter supervises their homework or drives them to after-school activities. I stop to make dinner and spend time with my family in the early evening. Once my son is in bed, I go back to work for a few more hours.

What gear and software do you use, and why?

In my primary home office, I have an older (2005 vintage) PC running Windows XP, with a 23.5″ widescreen ASUS monitor. When I’m at my treadmill desk or on the road, I use a Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop (also running Windows XP). When I’m using my treadmill desk, the laptop is hooked up to a supplemental 17″ monitor for more screen real estate. And I love my Canon Color Imageclass MF8170c multifunction printer: it’s a real workhorse.

The software and web apps I use most often are:

  • Intellect! from Chaos Software for email, calendaring and contact management

  • TweetDeck to manage my Twitter stream

  • Second Copy to sync files between my desktop and laptop

  • Firefox with the Readability, Print What You Like, Colorful Tabs, TinyURL Generator and the Facebook Toolbar add-ons installed

  • Google Calendar to organize my family’s activities and appointments

  • Gmail for supplemental email (my ISP is currently blocking messages from an active listserv I’m on that is important to my practice).

  • TextPad text editor (only one of my web sites is built using a blog platform; the other two don’t have any back-end content management system)

  • Endicia for Internet postage

  • Foxit Reader for viewing PDFs

  • Carbonite for remote backup

  • Kaspersky antivirus

  • Taskbar Shuffle

  • Wordperfect 12 (my preferred word processor) and MS Word 2003

  • Excel and Powerpoint (from MS Office 2003)

When I want to access the internet from outside the office, I use WMWifiRouter to wirelessly connect via my Samsung Omnia phone.

What’s your favorite web working tip?

It pays to be an early adopter. I was one of the first lawyers to recognize and take advantage of the technological advances that make outsourcing legal research and writing services practical and profitable for law firms of all sizes. When I launched my law practice back in 1996, I had to drag some of my clients, kicking and screaming, into the Internet age. Although I could do legal research online, my dial-up connection was painfully slow. But making the leap online early on has helped me gain the visibility and make the online contacts that are critical to success in an information-driven profession.

If you would like to be profiled on WWD, get in touch with me at simon (at) gigaom (dot) com.

You’ve asked, I’m answering!

Elizabeth wanted to know about workouts that are quick — yet powerful. When we had little time to work out, Jill would start us off incline-walking or jogging. I suggest putting the treadmill to where you think you should be, then increasing the incline by 1.5 or 2. Then, bump up your MPH by 2.0. That is, basically, how we would warm up.  She would then pull off a contestant one by one for a fast five to 10 minutes to get your heart rate pumping. The other contestants would stay on cardio equipment until they were called. When you were on the floor with Jill you would do whatever she was in the mood for — boxing, lunges, walking planks, ropes, jump squats. The last 15 minutes she would end with sprints on the treadmill, StairMaster or Elliptical.

Lyndsey wants to know how contestants afford being on The Biggest Loser. Well, it is not easy! A lot of the contestants give up everything to come on this show. I left a job where I just got promoted, a brand new apartment (7 months were still on the lease), my family, pets and friends. When you want something so badly, you will do anything to achieve it. If I didn’t go on the show, I would have been “going under the knife.” I had to tap into my savings because the show does not pay your salary. Everyone figures out a way to make it happen.

Now onto this week’s episode: Off the bat we start with a pop challenge and the prize is AWESOME: Hanging out at a five-star hotel and getting spa treatments. On the ranch you work out so hard you sometimes have to force yourself to chill out. But I am disappointed in the lack of knowledge of the contestants. Am I right in saying that all questions were answered incorrectly first?

I can’t say I can empathize with the black team because during my season the black team won every challenge and weigh-in. When we did win, I knew the other team was so frustrated I would always try to refrain from jumping around and yelling joyfully. It has to be hard to keep losing. But I was more than pleased to learn it was a cooking challenge with celebrity Chef Curtis Stone. I was laughing out loud when he was chewing Daris’s brisket.

I was more than ecstatic that the black team won, but I feel they thought that they had it in the bag with those 5 lbs. Bob had his work cut out for him and he killed it. There were a few instances when I was even like, ‘Whoa, Bob is going for it!’ and I think you even saw the same expression from Jillian. The proof: Daris’s elbow skin was literally left in the gym!

This was a super competitive week. I was sad to see Sherry go, but to be honest I think it will be good for her and Ashley. Now Sherry is home and Ashley can’t be reached. It’s time for Sherry to figure it out on her own at home.

I was fortunate enough to meet Sherry not too long ago, while I was speaking at a health expo in Tennessee. She is such a sincere, kindhearted woman who wants the best for her little girl. I know Ashley is strong but hope she allows herself to be broken on the ranch so she can be built up with Jill’s help as a new person without her mother by her side. They both have an excellent opportunity for growth right now. I hope they take advantage of it!

My MVP this week goes to Daris! I finally feel like we are getting to see his personality with his mother being gone. I think this guy will be around for awhile. For him to fight through tells me he is ready for the ranch! –Tara Costa

Tell us: Who do you think will make it to makeover week? Were you surprised by Michael’s 11 lb. weight loss? What are your questions for Tara?

Trae Patton/NBC


Are you determined to stay with your weight loss program, but you need to travel a lot? You will be able to run indoors which is very safe rather you are at a gym or at home. If you're like one of the millions of people out there that have wanted to start a better healthy lifestyle, or just simply looking to lose a few pounds, you might want to get yourself a great motorized treadmill. For those that are looking for a great motorized treadmill, the Sole F80 is the best thing on the market. With a sturdy constructed frame, and full options you're going to love how great and easy to use this machine really is. magnetic treadmillThe Amazon price of this treadmill is 99.00It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.Professional gyms have been a popular choice to visit as there are expert trainers that provide classes for proper workout methods.

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